Transform your Lab into an Automated Factory

We provide the ideal lab design through consulting, layout visualization & performance analysis. We install, train and transfer knowledge to you during production ramp-up and in the future as your needs change and grow. From a single straight line for smaller labs just enter automation, up to the most elaborate layouts for high-volume labs. 

Reduce work-in-progress (WIP)

  • Eliminating bottlenecks & streamlining your production flow by balancing the job load per machine for the lowest work-in-progress possible.

Lower manufacturing costs

  • Highest equipment utilization rates & fewer physical interactions, reduces manufacturing costs by reducing direct labor and allocated overhead.

Optimize lab footprint

  • Configure & optimize the footprint even for the most challenging spaces & produce more lenses per square meter by maintaining machine accessibility.

Predictable production output

  • Automated production reduces operator made lens breakages and re-do's, with constant and repeatable delivery times.


Reduce work-in-progress (WIP)

Eliminate bottlenecks & streamlining your production flow by balancing the job load per machine for the lowest work-in-progress possible.

Lower manufacturing costs

Highest equipment utilization rates & fewer physical interactions, reduces manufacturing costs by reducing direct labor and allocated overhead.

Optimize lab footprint

Configure & optimize the footprint even for the most challenging spaces & produce more lenses per square meter by maintaining machine accessibility.

Predictable production output

Automated production reduces operator made lens breakages and re-do's, with constant and repeatable delivery times.


Standardized Elements

Stackers and Destackers


Tandem transfer elements


Kickoff Elements

Swing gates

Divert / Merge Elements

Over-under loop systems


Conveyor Routing Choices

Regardless of your conveyor workflow requirements we offer stand alone decision boxes for simple job routing or 3 software for various & complex routing decisions.

Hardware box for simple job route decision

  • Left / right decision
  • Job tray kick-out
  • Job sorting / batching

3 Routing software for centralized control

  • BASIC Routing - Job trays routed based on path availability.
  • EASY Routing - Job trays routed based on job parameters.
  • MES-360 Routing - Job trays routed based on machine status & process capability.


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Satisloh experts are ready to answer your questions. We help you make the right machine purchase decision

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Satisloh designs and manufactures machines that meet your specific requirements. Request more product information or your personalised quote today!

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