The coating of Ophthalmic lenses - Chapter 2: The Vacuum System and Vacuum Pumps
Read about the Vacuum System and the different available pumps for ophthalmic coating machines. Discover the pros and cons of for each opportunity and get to know the pumping systems included in our box coaters.
The coating of Ophthalmic lenses - Chapter 1 - An Introduction
The Coating of Ophthalmic Lenses
Chapter 7

Chapter 7 : Reproducibility Criteria - Tips & Tricks
Influences on the reproducibility of AR coatings
The Coating of Ophthalmic Lenses
Chapter 6

AR Coating, Processes & Hard Coating Chapter 6 - Materials, conditions, reflexion behaviors, etc.
The Coating of Ophthalmic Lenses
Chapter 5

How to apply AR coatings, Chapter 5 - Traditional steps and different ways of AR coating.
The Coating of Ophthalmic Lenses
Chapter 4

All about AR coatings in e-book, Chapter 4 - basics, principles, calculations, quality standards.
The Coating of Ophthalmic Lenses
Chapter 3

Find out all about the components inside a vacuum chamber for lens coating and what they are used for in Chapter 3.
The Coating of Ophthalmic Lenses
Chapter 2

Learn the characteristics of different vacuum pumps and get to know which pump is included in different machines. Chapter 2
The Coating of Ophthalmic Lenses
Chapter 1

What's the key to getting the most out of AR coating? Our e-book on Ophthalmic coatings - Chapter 1 - provides detailed background.
Thin-Film Coatings for Polymer Optics
Systems, Applications & Processes

All about Coating Systems, applications and process capabilities for polymer substrates.
Five Automation Myths Debunked
Automation in Lens Manufacturing

See how we demistify a number of common myths about implementing automation technologies in lens manufacturing.